
1. Write an iterative program to search for an element in an array using

a. Linear search

b. Binary search

Pseudocode for Linear search

Algorithm linearsearch (A, n, e)

Input Array A of n integers and search element e

Output The position of element e in the array if the element is present in the array; 0 otherwise return -1

i ← 0

while i <n do

if A[i] = e then

return i


return -1

Pseudocode for Binary search

Algorithm binarysearch (A, low, high, e)

Input Array A of n integers and search element e

Output The position of element e in the array if the element is present in the array; 0 otherwise return -1

while low ≤ high do

mid ← (low + high)/2

if A[mid] > e then

high ← high – 1

else if A[mid] < e then

mid ← mid + 1


return mid

return -1