
1. Understand various compilation options in gcc

Consider the following code snipets.

  1. Run mobaxterm tool. 2. Access server using ssh. 3. Run scl enable devtoolset-7 bash 4. Run gcc -E pgm1.c -o pgm1.i 5. Understand the option −E in the above command and analyse the same by comparing pgm1.c file and pgm1.i.

  2. Run gcc -fdump-tree-all-graph pgm1.c -o pgm1 2. Run dot -Tpng -o pgm1.png 3. Run display pgm1.png and analyse the output by comparing against the C file pgm1.c.

  3. Run gcc -S -m32 pgm1.c -fverbose-asm -o pgm1-p1.s 2. Run gcc -S -m32 -O2 pgm1.c -fverbose-asm -o pgm1-p2.s 3. Compare the files pgm1-p1.s and pgm1-p2.s 4. Compare the RTL representation in the file pgm1.png against the code in pgm1-p1.s/pgm1p2.s

  4. Repeat the same using files pgm2.c and pgm3.c.

2. Design a mini compiler

Write a program in C which takes another C program as input and checks whether the input file contains a C statement of the form X = Y + Z; where X, Y and Z are variables. For each statement of the above form, check whether the variables are declared. You could assume each C statement to be present in a separate line and each variable to be declared in a separate line. Further, the only supported data type is “int”